

Things My Grandma Says
*When it rains, it pours.*

One day the clouds turned the slightest shade of grey and suddenly the flood was upto my ankle,
This is how I learned to pack a raincoat at the slightest chance of a drizzle .

*Bad news comes in threes.*

My tears had blurred my vision and I couldn't see three feet ahead of me,
Must be why I missed the other two bearers with my second and third doses of tragedy.

*Trouble comes on horseback and leaves on foot.*

My woe is a guest taking residence on my couch without a sense of decorum ,
A distant relative too obtuse to know he's overstaying his welcome.

And my absolute favorite:
*Shit comes in piles*

Of course my hurricane comes on the neck of a tornado because one trouble treads upon another's heel ,
One (for lack of a better word) SHITSHOW after another with every layer of the onion you peel.
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