

I never fell

I never fell ,I never fell
Neither in the black dark
Nor in the twinkling light
Neither from the bottom
Nor from the much height

Neither in my reality
Nor in my dream
Neither when I am brave
Nor when I scream

Neither when I am constant
Nor when my thoughts fight
Neither when I am silent
Nor when I fly like kite

I never fell, I never fell
Because there are two person
standing just behind me
When I am in any trouble
there they will be

I never fell , I never fell
Neither in the day
Nor in the night
Because there are two preson
In whose eyes ,am ever in sight

Because there are two person
Always for me to guide
When my feet trembles
they hold me tight

Neither I think some day to fell
Nor i feel
Because ther are two person
If i fell to heal