

Baguio hill


Whispering wind waving tree's
Perfume Smell of pine trees
Green grasshopper jumping so happy in a green grass

Curving and high mountains
Going up so high make your knees crumpled make you feel to sit down

Wondering a wonderful places of baguio make yourself realize what a wonderful world

It's like your in heaven
Looking for Gods creation
Dreaming even a day make
you not disappointed

What a great God creation
You may say that you will dream to make your own family in such a beautiful place

Give you a peaceful day
Give you a confident to start a new day
Make you feel better
And make you work your mind
to think a positive ways

Baguio hill was my escaping time
I can escape of everything
I can scape to those who hurting me

What a high place gives full of hope and chances to be alive
Make me feel better, settle my mind to start thinking off

A scaping place who hide me for being afraid and losser
A place that will never judge me
A place that so quiet

Making me to be myself
Always listen for my problem
It has no reactions but it feels like easing my pain

Letting me run my tears
Making me shout outloud with my full strength of my voice saying those words that just kept inside of me

Baguio hill ohhh your my best place that no matter what happened I will turn back to you anytime

© "azumi"