

Invisible Threads🧵

Invisible threads, they weave and twine,
Connecting hearts, a bond divine.
Unseen by eyes, yet strong and true,
A web of love, forever shines through.

Between family, friends, and loved ones dear,
These threads of love and care appear.
Through laughter, tears, and every test,
They hold us close, and never rest.

In times of joy, in times of strife,
These threads of connection bring new life.
A gentle tug, a reassuring hold,
Reminding us we're never alone to unfold.

Like spider silk, delicate yet strong,
Invisible threads keep our hearts connected long.
A mysterious weave, a tender tie,
Binding us together, until the sky.

Invisible threads, a treasure rare,
A symbol of love beyond compare.
So cherish these bonds, so pure and true,
For they connect our hearts, me and you.