

Family Drama
It always seemed to him he had a calling, a passion for something
The youngest of three siblings in whose shadows he was to live.

He felt left behind, disregarded, forgotten. All he wanted was
to find something .. Something special he was good at.

The difficulties he faced were insurmountable to him. His older brother
He was renowned for his talent as an artist.

Of his two sisters, one is a gifted academic. The other, her talent was
Found gifted in her abilities to create music.

How quickly he learned he could never live up to them.

As he tried many things, he unknowingly lit a spark
It began with a poem, composed beautifully. He thought ..

He proudly shared his new found talent .. Only to have it
Instantly destroyed by those he considered closest.

The spark that was lit remained alight, though other hardships arose
Family drama soon came to distance the spark further.

He faced difficulties during that time .. Far to young in age
The turbulence never ended with the passing of years.

2022, the spark reappeared still alight in his fifty ninth year.
In that time since he's been writing, in the back of his mind he still
questions. He still wonders .. if he was ever any good at it.

💡LightInDarkness 🌑 ©JFO👥2024

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