

Little moth
Sitting on the porch,
Watching the night sky,
Breeze going bye,
Spacing into nothingness,
When suddenly a moth catches my eye.
Pouncing up I inspect it,
Pawing at the little thing,
It flew,
I jumped to reach it when I snapped back,
Blinking and watching it fly away,
Fade into the stary sky.
Little moth,
Fly off,
Leave me wondering why I jumped for you,
What sparked the shift,
What connection it is I have to you,
Like a cat and it's pray,
A curious thing and it's subject of curiosity.
I sat back down and stared where you left,
Seeing the stars twinkle in the sky.
Little moth,
Flown off,
Curious cat,
Laid down and calm.

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