

To the Sun, My Eternal Love

O golden orb that graces heavens high,
My ardent heart doth sing to thee, my Sun, For thou dost weave thy light 'cross azure sky, And in thy rays, my life hath just begun.

Thy tender touch doth wake me from my sleep, A lily pale, I rise at dawn’s first kiss. In thy embrace, my soul doth softly leap, For 'tis thy warmth that fills my heart with bliss.

Thou art the painter of my verdant hue,
With beams that brush each petal, soft and bright. In fields of green, beneath the heavens blue, I bloom, a testament to thy pure light.

O radiant king, thy love’s immortal flame, It draws me from the dark and weary earth. To thee, my Sun, my heart doth humbly claim, 'Tis through thy glow that I have found my worth.

As day doth break, I stretch my leaves on high, In silent homage to thy regal grace. For in thy presence, shadows swiftly fly, And I am lifted to my sacred place.

My roots, they whisper secrets of the deep, Yet upward still, my spirit yearns to soar..For in thy gaze, the tears of night I weep.Are dried, and I am whole forevermore.

O Sun, my love, thy brilliance doth bestow.A life upon this fragile stem of mine. And as I grow, 'tis but to let thee know That every bloom is wrought with love divine.

So take my petals, delicate and true,
As offerings to thee, my light, my guide.
For in thy arms, my heart is born anew,
A lily's love, eternally espied.

© AJ Wappelhorst/Bear Klan Media

#poem #nature #sun #Love&love #poetrycommunity