

The Two Most Beautiful Angels
The two most beautiful angels belong to me.
The way they laugh and argue makes me always intrigued.
The two most beautiful angels I gave birth to. The way they acted sometimes you would think they never got along.

The two most beautiful Angels God gave me as a gift could sing together and they never missed a note.
One with red-hair, the other sandy-blonde the way they argue you would think they never got along.

One sister, two sisters always wanting to be first. Big sister, little sister who could beat who first.
My gifts from above both filled up with love. Little sister, big sister never really separated. Two sisters, one sister never realized how much they were loved by the other and their momma.

I am the mom of the Two most beautiful angels that anyone could love. One hold the stars and the holds the sun and the moon. I am so proud be the parent, the mom, the one given these Two Angels that were gifts from my father above.

To Stephanie and Antionette. I love you girls.
© Rhonda Broker