

Love is not only in the present tense
Love is not only in the present tense,
Nor is it solely in the future's suspense.
For love has existed since times long gone,
In the memories and stories that we pass on.

In the echoes of ancient lovers' sighs,
In the letters and poems that they pen with such pride.
Love has endured through wars and through strife,
It has weathered the tests of time and of life.

From Shakespeare's sonnets to Greek myths of old,
Love has been a constant, a tale retold.
In the whispers of lovers who once walked this earth,
Their love lives on, a testament of its worth.

In the faded photographs and yellowed pages,
Love's presence lingers through the passing ages.
In the songs sung by troubadours of yore,
Love's sweet melody continues to soar.

In the vows exchanged by couples long gone,
In the promises kept for a lifetime long.
Love is not just a fleeting emotion,
It is a timeless force, a perpetual devotion.

Always remember that love is not just a present tense,
It is a story that began long before our existence.
It is a legacy that we carry with us each day,
A reminder that love will never fade away.

© Jovan_love