

Loving Reflection
Mirror, mirror on the wall
who is the worthiest of us all?
I know I ask you this daily while staring at my reflection,
I know I am your worst critic when it comes to introspection,
I love you, I love you not, I love you, I love you not...I love you,
I know you often hear the ‘not’,
but sometimes I find telling you that I love you can be so hard to do,
Reflection, I know I don't express it enough, but I do love you.
And I owe you a debt of gratitude.

 Reflection, I know I haven't always treated you kind
Not worshiping in this temple of mine,
Consuming mental and physical junk,
Disrespecting your body and soul with toxic garbage stored in my memory trunk,
But today I am letting go and truly tell you how I feel,
I need you to know that my love for you is real.
From the crowning glory on the top of your head to the weary threads on the sole of your feet,
I know without you I wouldn't be complete.

 Reflection, I accept you for who you are...unconditionally and unabashedly,
I swear on the stars above,
That I will never again deny my love.
I will stand by you until the end of time.
You are all that I've got to weather any clime.
You are my strength, my biggest cheerleader and superhero,
Without you I wouldn't exist, I would be zero.
You stuck with me through thick and thin,
Although not said often enough, but I have your back
and I am so proud of you whether you fall short or win.

 Reflection, hold your head up high,
You are born to shine and ignite flames in the sky,
A shining star and tower of strength,
The struggles of life have never left you bent.
Spending time with you has made life really worth
the joy, the disappointments and even the hurt,
I am here to serve you and will always put you first,
And never again for my love you will thirst. 
© Audrey Malcolm