

Blaze of glory...

Your purple blooms whisking
Love and lust
Like silk laces they kiss my skin,
Feeling its warmth fondling,
each moment catalyzing satiety,
It's like reaching Panacea.

Your petunia bulbs fantasize
my sensual heart
In slow rhythmic fusion
A pause of breath , to begin again
winter's cold escarpments ,
causing indolence ,
but dying for your sweet repartee
I crave , your purple piety.

Your purple melodies ,
Stringed on verdant estuaries
Bring lingering waves of delightfull romance
Like a delinquent maid I kept a hush-hush!
On a crooner's love lorn ballads
Breaking the midnight menagerie,
I slipped your mind's beckoning overnight.

Your Lantanas caught me panting
As they held plenaries
In wild sessions of dusky pantone
The rosy purple barrie
That swayed and showered wanton mirth.
Passing passions floating around
I gather all of those strewn ,
And weave a purple croatia sash .
