

O Me Senorita!,

How I've longed to hold you in my arms and caress your tender skin once again💞

How I've longed to feel your gentle bursts on my chest as we share a COSMIC KISS that sets the sky ablaze💖💥

O the horror I pass through every night without you by my side
Sometimes I try to brush away the thoughts of you as just a pipe dream
But the FLAMES OF LOVE burning WITHIN me keeps telling me that DISTANCE is needed🧘🏼‍♂️

We had to GROW apart from each other, so that we can GROW back together⛓️

My aching heart wants to drop the thoughts of you but my mind already knows that the wait is worth it😊

We must endure this DISTANCE whilst LOVE builds a bridge for us🌉

I live in a world where no one understands the depths of my emotions
This is why I'll wait for you cuz I know you're the only one that'll understand my silent words🙇

The pains of SEPARATION has ISOLATED me from the world but I'm regaining my composure for I know that in due time, the COSMOS will REUNITE us never to part ways again
But till then we must remain CONNECTED through our hearts and minds💞👫👁️

Me Senorita, DISTANCE may separate us for now but I know that not even TIME/SPACE can keep our souls apart
And for this, I'll keep riding till I'm REUNITED with my beloved in this lifetime or the next🏇

🤴🏼Me Senorita, step forth from the collective and ride with me👸🏼

© Kíkörí Kasie