

Tell me
You tell me that the truth sets one free
I agree with your point
But what if this truth hurts so bad
What if that truth causes regret
What if that truth is the one
That breaks friendships
What if....

You tell me that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life
I agree with your point....
But what if that truth tears you into pieces
What if that truth is the one to destroy your life
What if that truth causes guilt
That brings about suicidal thoughts....
What if....

You tell me that freedom is on the other side of fear
I agree with your point....
But what if that truth is the one that holds you a hostage in the heart
What if that truth that causes your hidden fear
What if that truth means never having faith enough to let go of loved ones
What if....

Tell me now, how I can be free from fear of losing a loved one
Tell me how I can gain freedom from fear, for the lost ones, the unrepentant
Tell me how I can be free from the fear of the world's cruel judgements
In a world full of discouragements
Tell me, now
© bmwmaria_