

"Alone Together"
I always feel alone because I'm alone,
In this sea of faces, each one unknown.
Surrounded by chatter, yet silent I stand,
Lost in the crowd, like grains of sand.

The laughter, the smiles, they drift far away,
As I linger in shadows, unseen, astray.
Echoes of conversations, distant and faint,
While solitude wraps me, like a coat of paint.

Invisible threads weave through the throng,
But none reach out to where I belong.
I'm adrift in a current of bustling despair,
Yearning for connection, but finding none there.

Yet in this solitude, a flicker of light,
A spark of resilience, burning bright.
For in the depths of this crowded room's embrace,
I find solace in the stillness, a quiet space.

Alone, yet not lonely, I stand tall and strong,
Embracing the solitude, where I truly belong.
For amidst the chaos, I've found my own grace,
In the quiet corners of this crowded place.
© Itesh