

Whatever Tomorrow Brings..
Whatever Tomorrow Brings

Whatever tomorrow brings,
I’ll be grateful to the universe for everything—
The jagged edges of my struggles,
The light that cracked through when I least expected,
The moments I fell only to rebuild myself stronger.
Every misstep a symphony of lessons,
Every loss a bridge to something deeper.

Whatever tomorrow brings,
I’ll meet it with a heart full of gratitude, hope, and courage.
May the sun light up my aura like wildfire,
Burning away the shadows that cling too tight.
I will stand at the edge of uncertainty,
Feet bare, spine straight, welcoming the unknown.
The wind may howl, the storms may break,
But I’ll remain unshaken, carved from the stone of persistence.

Whatever tomorrow brings,
I’ll meditate on my dreams before the night swallows me whole.
Eyes closed, I see the world I’m building—
A world where my hands hold the weight of creation.
I imagine my voice echoing in the chambers of time,
My legacy rising like smoke toward the heavens.
And if the reaper steals my breath in my sleep,
I hope my soul finds peace in knowing
That I gave this life everything.

Whatever tomorrow brings,
I hope it carries more...