

Written By: 📜Bantilan, Anlyn📜

Two thousand years ago
An audible voice whispered "Please, don't go!"
A voice full of love and solitude
Resembling the word fortitude

A soundless voice, in the middle of loquacious crowd
No one heared, the domicile was too loud
The tree drink the cup of castigation;
Incipiency of the obnoxious inflammation

Ire arise! Requital explode!
A mother procuring a heavy load;
Will someone give her a helping hand
And pay the remedy to heal the ailing land

The left nostril stuffed up
Shouting silently in pain, "Wake up!"
Open your eyes, please open your eyes!
Hear Thee our quiet cries

Bomb, missile, gun, sword
A word can kill, yes even a simple word!
Tranquility, chaos, detestation
Poisoned ninety-nine percent of the creation

Prejudice and discrimination
Calling the attention of indignation
The clouds poured out his tears
People turn out to be like the wild bears

Ax, knife, dagger
Words burning in anger
Vengeance walking like dead zombies
Hurtle debauchery in hellacious abbys

One word can cause countless of emotions
Suicide, anxieties and all sorts of depressions
Be guarded and always choose to utter
Phrases that bear fruit laughter

Instead of being resentful
Forgive one another and be fruitful
Be not a like a disease that kill
Always remember to pay the bill

In this era, where hate spread like a virus
Like a cycle, like a circus;
Oh, love awake and rise!
Offer us a hanky and hear our cries

In this generation
Where people always seek for competition
Where money and fame
Makes the people blind, mute, and lame

Love, speak to us!
Be our medicine and heal this broken mass
Love, don't be silence
Offer us a sweet and romantic ambience

Two thousand years ago, don't you remember
A voice speaks to you like a father
Saying, "I love you forever!"
"I sacrificed Myself, to saved you from danger!"

You might think you are worthless ;
Condemning that you are useless
The Cross has speak it all
You are chosen, for a very special call!

At first, it's us who walks away
But look, it is He who pay
How blessed we are,
His love reminds us of His scar!

Our decisions equals regret
He loves you for real, don't forget
Don't dwell on your past
Put in mind that pain won't and will never last!

#YES!HE loves you and me.👆❤️🌏
#NO to condemnation, a BIG YES to SALVATION!
#GODbless! 😇