

the sound of rain
A normal day..... the sky was filled with black clouds and this was a sign... I had to go home..... I got out quickly..... I got on the bus... and we moved..... A few meters before the bridge, while I was immersed in thought, I heard a sound....Tic-Tic.... I looked out the window and saw bright water balls refracting sunlight through them giving those beautiful colors.....Colors like the heart of the galaxy.. .. And while I was thinking about it's beauty, suddenly the wind became stronger and its voice became louder, and it became carrying banners, breaking them and carrying them like my dreams. Those dreams that fell in front of me and taken by the winds of time...... After a few minutes the streets were filled with water, and that water flowed through the city's roads and Through everywhere to the Nile, I filled it until it overflowed.... Like my heart that was filled with sadness and pain, but the only difference is that my heart has not yet flowed... I looked through that small window and saw trees falling..... All these scenes with that sound (The sound of rain) It was a mix of happyness  that following the rain,  and pain that always following me.... black clouds covered the city... clouds like worries that covered my heart..... that fucking bus moves slowly..... Fuck it..... I want to get home and lay on my bed and I remember my pain ....but it kept moving heavy...People get in and people get out...Feeling like death.... Trapped inside a metal box which  it have a strange noise....Sounds that reminded me by my bad thoughts and my deep sadness and my darkness on my other side..... Those weren't the sounds of rain... They were the sounds of pain