

An Ode To A Lateefa
What makes a woman's beauty.
That rises like the sun and sets with old age
Many have been praised in flesh and blood
But to decay and for the termites to devour.

But you, my friend, are every fair from fair.
Your virtue is of a unique class and rare
A large heart, full of treasures that you bear
Your palms wide like heavens gate and all you share
Your head crowned in wisdom and your wits a pair
As leaf respond to the wind, how much you care
I have never met such a selfless bird in the air
All the kindness and the selflessness you share

Now tell me what is true beauty
That lives like light and lasts till eternity
It is a heart of jewels, corals, emeralds enshrouded in dignity.
Creativity could not do justice to such dainty

Now that my ode is weak
And the sonnets have have fallen sick
And the epics have reached their peak
In describing you, even as we speak
My rhymes and reason, your worth, still seek.
The Soaring Eagle #TSE #Ode
A rough work though