

Imperfectly perfect!
I don't have soft long hair
Or wide set eyes
Nor do I have pink full lips
That utter attractive lies
Or those long curly eyelashes
That blink to mesmerize
No I ain't born with a zero waist
No I ain't fit for a fashion model size
Oh my jaw line doesn't cut glass
Oh my cheekbone ain't that high
And my skin too isn't fake suntanned
Or clear and smooth and shines too bright
I don't have the smile that could light up the world
Or a voice that soothes the ear
Don't know if my nails have spots here and there
Forget them being crystal clear
I don't know to sway my hips like girly girls
Or walk like a woman so ladylike
I haven't mastered to keep my voice too low
When I'm restraining myself from a fight
But I can't say my hands are undamaged
Or my finger's touch very delicate
Can't promise my skin is hairless
Cause honey, I'm a human, not a snake...


© sasha a.f.