

times like these....
times measures for times
everything under the sky is spanned.
the distance between one
to another is time.
where lies rules in abjectness
it is with time that truth is revealed.
for where there's time, it is enough to last.

it is not dawn till it is dawn
it is not dusk till it is dusk
it is not right when it is wrong
it wouldn't be wrong when it is right
time tells the story of all possibilities.
money answers all things but in time.
for where there's time, it is enough to last.

the decisions we make
will be unmade with time
the nothingness of life is measured
by the vanity in it.
time waits for no one
yet one cannot run on another's time.
time is measured by itself.

decades are measured into centuries
millennia began with a day.....it is in time, past.
one season times out the other,
the distance between life and death is time
the distance between night and day is time
what wages for Labour is time.
time is what makes change evident

time is what test the hope of the hopeless
time is what hide a child
from its mother, nine moons
time is evident in growth
time softens patience to the ruthless
time teaches the unruly, discipline
for where there's time, it is enough to last.

time encourages the slow and weary
time heals the broken
time strengthens the weak in heart
time is what makes change beautiful
time tells the story of the living
after their death
for where there's time, it is enough to last.

time tells the sun where to sleep
and allows the moon to wander in darkness.
what do you think conceals the stars at day
to reveal their beauty at night if not time.
what makes the flower into seed is time.
the egg became a hen in time.
for where there's time, it is enough to last.

time reveals the trueness of nature.
time reveals plots and plans.
time is the rewards for the just and wicked.
time can not be held to a ransom.
time favours no one over the other.
time humbles the proud.
time is karma, it doesn't procastinate.

to sow time is to reap same.
time is generation's inheritance
time is center of hot and cold
in the circle middle of life's
dryness and wetness is time
time is the active observer of all.

the true tale of yesterday
told to our today to journey
progressively into the future
start on the morrow is the folk of time.
written or not is time.
noticed or not is time.
planned or structured or not is time.
for where there's time, it is enough to last.