

The weight
There are times when the blanket of nightfall is too heavy for her to wear.
There are days where the clouds act like prefect strangers passing by.
There are moments when it all feels too heavy.
Every distraction craters her inside her mind but... there's just nothing new to think.
Old wishes sit at the bottom of her well..
Wishes tossed away but, landed with a promise of hope.
All this weight but, all that can be shed are only tears.
Comfort doesn't exist on days like this.
Everything's too hot or too cold,
Nothing will be right.
These nights... these days... these moments,
These are when she misses you the most.
The heaviest weight for her heart to carry
Is longing for a something that is forever gone
With the sadness that was left here, will rest in her forever.
© Kasey Spotanski