

The Soft Hands🧸
(About the poem- This poem is about the child and his very own lady-his mother, who's husband abandons them for the another woman. The child being himself a speaker in the poem, recalls the night she passed away which he finds mysterious.)

That day was so strong,
All I remember just is soft touch of her.

The lady with glow ,
who set next to the younger me,
whom I never admired,
Taught me to worship the Thee!

Was I on death bed?...or was she?...
Not me, yes!
But what was something which made me feel this.
The soft hands ?...or what I saw was nothing, but the deeds of his.

He abandoned the happy mine lady ,
And orpaned me paternally,
Just for the dream lady ,
Whom he wished to marry.

Earning was pain I saw,
With a dough of wheat the days passed.
On a barren land we stayed,
Small hut and a good lay.

The night came , a disaster I must say,
Her pain was about to end,
Yet she left me sleeping on the bed,
And her soft hand engulfed in my tiny hand shed.

I never knew what went cross then,
She did faint?
Or Something which played was absent?
No clues till date!

It was last we met , the night was a lame,
She might have found heaven,
What I found is a dready life pain,
Still wetting my eyes in a pretty life game.

That day was so strong,
All I remember just is soft touch of her!

—Durgesh Lokhande

© Durgesh Lokhande
© Black_Desires

#mother #son #life #motherhood #poet
#lust #desire #motherlove

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