

Scar: A Pathway to Greatness
Scar, a pathway to greatness lies within
A wound that once hurt, now a strength to win
A reminder of trials, of fires that burned
A testament to resilience, lessons learned

Through the scar, a story unfolds
Of courage and grit, of a spirit that's bold
A journey of growth, of transformation and might
A pathway to greatness, shining with new light

The scar may still ache, but it's no longer sore
For it has become a symbol, of a strength we adore
A badge of honor, a mark of our might
A reminder that we can rise, and shine with new light

So let the scar be a reminder, of the strength we hold
A pathway to greatness, that we've been told
To embrace the journey, to face the test
And rise up stronger, with every scar we possess.
© Authority D'Writer