

It was 3am by the clock..
And I was again in a thought
How I wasted the day as a whole?
I studied....But somewhere I couldn't
satisfy my hungry soul at all...
Again Opened the book
Turning the pages like an off-track soul...
Thoughtless for a moment...
Failed to decide what to do...
Opened the diary made the timetable
Like a determined monk...
But somewhere I was struck admist...
Not able to think what to do...
Turned off the Internet...Played the music of my soul..
And....Closed the eyes...
Not willing to talk to the people along...
"What if I fail?"
Detaching myself from the rest of the world...
The dreams and aspirations which people have
Saved for me..
Didn't want to let that go in vain anymore...
So I changed myself as a whole...
Which I didn't knew I could ever do it as a whole...
Changed the strategies...
Now I am determined and won't indulge myself
in that nonsense talks
© Dishari