

Lonely World
The population of the world is so big.
So big that I get lost in it.
In societies opinions.
Sometimes in my own.
The world is a lonly place when you don't agree with the world opinions , likes , beliefs and disbelief.
Rules .. race.....you know I can go on and on.
I try all I can to find my reason in life my place but when it comes down to the truth.
I haven't found my place.
My Soul is in worry all the time.
I tend to ask myself why am I not liked.?
Why do I feel like know one understands me?
I think I am a very understandable person.
Nonetheless I feel like I'm am the only person that understands me.
The world is a lonly place when you don't fit in.
When no one's seems to be all that joyful to see you.
I feel like an outcast.
Where do I belong?
Where is my place ?
I want to be relieved from this lonly space.

© Kay Inspired