

We Need
To take it all back
Back to the Father
Back to the gardens
Back before the original sin
Before we disobeyed Father
The first time
Since then
We’ve done it many times
No matter how many chances
We keep breaking the rules
Changing His words to fit
To fit their agendas
Father has no other
No other above His word
It time to call
To call the angels down
To have them come
To fight the demons
The demons of Lucifer
The fallen of Father have risen
We need the angels now
To fight the battles we cannot fight
The battles we cannot win
The tempters minions
Who are stronger
Who are not human
Father please
Send your winged warriors down
One last chance for us
We cannot beat this enemy
They are heavenly creatures
Damned to this earth
For breaking the law of you Father
Your Laws
As we do
But we are now earthly beings
We try to repent most try
I try I am weak like most
But I still ask Father
Please send your angels down
We their help
Your help Father
May you hear us now

© Robert prezioso