

[Stand tall, run strong]
[a #writco.in poem]

Stand up, run, don't hesitate,
Don't worry, you won't faint or wait.
Don't worry about anything,
You won't fall, you won't fail, just sing.

Stay focused, I say, come what may,
Stay focused, and seize the day.
The rain is coming, run with might,
The earth will soon tremble, shine so bright.

Obstacles will come, day and night,
But don't worry, you won't faint, you'll fight.
Don't worry about anything, just run,
Run, run, run, until the race is won.

Your journey is long, you're running late,
But don't give up, don't hesitate.
The storm is coming, get up and go,
Stand up, run, and make your spirit glow.

Get up, don't give up, keep moving ahead,
You got this! Keep pushing, don't be led.
Keep running, keep shining, you're strong and bright,
Stand up, run, and make everything all right.

—Roy Johane Gama ©2024