

Dear Covid - 19
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Why come now?
Why did you come?
No more hello's and that beautiful handshake,
No more hugs that was a dutiful action.
Now the soft touch of loved ones, we are deprived of,
You make people sick,
Others not even food on the table to lick.
You leave all with an uncertain future,
Depriving us of our happy culture,
About your origination, we are confused,
And as a nation, we are amused.
Dear covid-19, you who are invisible to the world,
Strong enough to stay on the ride,
We plead you to let go of us.

# Write Out Loud📝
# Goldie PensDown✍️
# Writer Unboxed✏️