

A change is necessary

A change is necessary

Sitting at the edge of the furthest mountain,
Between the valley and the lazy river,
Beyond the edge of the scented meadow,
I am thinking in new ways and moods,
I can see the hues painted by the setting sun...
Every colour bears its hue what the life gives it,
The aspects' reflection that gives shades of life,
Which pass through during their survive,
But I penetrate in my brooding and say ,thou,
Keep remain with at agony, my soul,
Why not change your ways with era,
Still you observe the colours of life,
But you keep yourself my heart at constant,
Uni colour of thou put you on the way of segregation,
Adopt some thing which may put you on colours,
Leave your contrarily now time is changing,
Always remain at displeased not in changing way,
If you are not agree according to demands,
Time will give you a change in a lesson.