

A Letter to Younger Me 💌

### A Letter to Younger Me 💌

Hi you,

How are you? Yeah, I know. I want you to know that it doesn't get easier. The grind is real. But here are a few tips to help you along the way. Although you might not understand it now:

1. **Change and Evolve**: You will change, and change, and change, and that's okay. You're evolving, but it will take people hurting you to realize you don't need to.

2. **Embrace Life's Ups and Downs**:
- You will inevitably hurt someone, make someone smile, mess things up, and fix them.
- You will fail tests and exams, and you will also pass them.
- You will learn new skills and dislike some of them.
- You will be your own boss and work under someone.
- You will love life and hate life.

3. **Learn from Experiences**: Life isn't life without the ups and downs. Each experience teaches you something valuable.

4. **Meet New People**: You haven't met all the people who are going to love you for you yet. Everyone has a story, and they will be part of yours.

5. **Live in the Moment**: Live life one day at a time, one step at a time.

6. **Self-Love and Kindness**: Love yourself and be kind to yourself. When you're really low, turn to yourself and Allah.

7. **Pray and Observe Salah**: Wallahi, you have no idea how Salah and Dua are changing me right now. Please pray and observe your Salah.

8. **Try to Fast**: It may seem hard, but please do try to fast.

9. **Stay True to Yourself**: You will meet wicked people, but don't let them change who you are. You are who you are, irrespective of your environment.

10. **Parents and Family**:
- You will love, hate, unlove, and hate your parents. Learn to filter the good from the bad.
- Appreciate having parents. Alhamdulillah. Think of those less fortunate.

11. **Gratitude**: Always say Alhamdulillah. No matter how much you lack, remember those who have nothing. You have a family, a house, a phone, books, and a bed. Subhanallah.

12. **Read the Quran**: It's very important. Try to understand its meaning.

13. **Create Memories**: Creating memories is more important than just living in chapters.

14. **Siblings**: Your siblings might not reciprocate your love immediately. They need time to understand it.

15. **Life's Adventure**: Life is one big adventure. Live it to the fullest, embracing both the good and bad days.

16. **Appreciate Your Parents**: You only get one set of parents who truly love and care for you. Love them.

17. **Share Your Art**: Undraft, unarchive, and undelete any of your artwork. The world needs your art.

18. **Growth**: The chapter you're living right now should be called growth. We are all still growing.

19. **Accept People's Journeys**: People come into your life and leave as they please. Be cool with it. If they are meant to stay, they will.

20. **Learn from Life**: Experiences are the best teacher. Pay attention to every lesson in this class of life.

21. **Make Space for Trauma**: We don't get over or move on from our trauma. We learn to live with it and sometimes thrive in spite of it.

22. **Redefine Mistakes**: Your mistakes don't define you. What you do after them does.

23. **Focus on Being**: Change the question from "What do I want to become?" to "Who do I want to become?"

Thank me later. Love you.
© InspiringIkram

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