

Average Tuesday skimming news
A slight delay is nothing new
Pointer hitch and screen flicker
Artifact frame from GPU render

Cryptic error message on the display
Pause to consider then black screen
Something fishy plays underneath
Let’s take it apart and waste our day

Screws loosened panels off
Cables disconnected and power cut
Removed parts scattered like rice
A multimeter reads the device

One by one narrowed down
Capacitor exploded on daughter board
Solder retest and mend the gap
Energy flowing and problems again

Pull out hairs one by one
It works in isolation run
Take a break from endless hell
Tomorrow it’s waiting dead

No experts to be found
I guess I’ll do it myself
One slip of finger can seal fate
One short away from lost bills

Back to the drawing board
The circuit fault spread
The network card is flaky
The lights flashing red

Grab my hammer
One final fix
Damn this hobby
Today you win