


Fictions, or non-fictions,
We all are reflections
Of our works of art.
Just as we are reflections,
The perfect image of the creator.

Our works are the reflections of our hearts,
Like an image replicated.
We choose to tell the truth
Of whether it is fictional or non-fictional.
We choose to name it to our liking.

Fictions, or non-fictions,
We just name our works
With what we like, the genres,
Beyond the genres, our works
Are pivotal parts of our genes.

They reflect the flesh and blood
That we were made of,
They reflect the contents we carry,
Our lifestyle and practices,
The tell who we truly are.

We are what we create,
For we recreate what lives in our mind,
We create a work of a kind,
That cannot be similar
To any other's creation.

© TheKingsSon