

Fated Heartache
Your gone. This time I know it's forever,
My heart has felt you fading for some time,
I've come to realize it cannot be changed,
Never did I expect that loving you would be a crime,

My life ahead now left with so many holes,
Few outcomes seem promising were I'll land
It is now time for me to release the burdens,
Of our love I so dearly wish we could understand,

The wounds bleed now from both sides,
Regardless of it's sorrow or it's rage,
One day all that we ever was will become,
An empty space of our life's story,a torn out page,

What we was can never be what we'll be,
Far to many things have been said and done,
I have to get used to the fact when I see you,
It won't mean the same when I say your the one,

It will mean you was the one that got away,
The one that I couldn't convince to stay,
The one that once was my once upon a day,
The one that was the last before my heart turned gray,

I shake and tremble from the stress of it all,
Nearly impossible to evade the trapping thoughts,
The longer I'm left this way all alone I feel,
What's left of my heart I had slowly rots,

You will always have the last parts of my heart,
And my love will last far past the day of my death,
Carried into the next as permanent to my soul,
Therefore I know this pain will outlast my final breath,

Goodbye my dove, seems now you have to be free,
Spread your wings and fly away from all this pain,
Such a tragedy this all has turned and come to be,
To never feel each other's love this way again.

I only hope it's easy for you what will be impossible for me.
Cause I already know you were my last chance to be happy.
© justin_ur_imagination