

I am sitting up, with my laptop, lost in, my own thoughts, here in the dark, of the night, being only illuminated, by the screen, as the curser, blinks, off and on, waiting for me, to type, the next word, to type, the next line, as I, am here, with my back, to the wall, on the bed, to work, on this endless script, yet, I cannot figure out, how to write, the love scene, as I, look over, to see you, my wife, sleeping so softly, sleeping so soundly, being my muse, my inspiration, with your long, blonde locks, which frame, your angelic face and with, your head, resting on, the soft pillow and the blanket, with the sheet, pulled up, tucking you tight, as your naked body, is tangled up, within the covers, as I, watch over you, in looking over you, in awe, at the goddess, beside me, as then suddenly, like a sign, an omen, moonlight, shines down, from the heavens, between a parting, of the dark, cotton candy clouds, from a fallen rain, into the semi, opened window, from the pulled back, silky curtains, as it now casts, glowing flakes, of stardust, of technicolors, on your creamy, porcelain skin.

So now, I put away, the laptop, paying more attention, to the love, that is, my wife, being my life, as I, now take action, as I, spoon up, from behind, pulling her body, tightly into, my embrace, as she is, now against me, together, forever, as one, as I know, she can feel, my breath, on the nape, of her neck, as my hands, explore, her delicate curves and to, pull aside, a drape of hair, pulled back, over her ear, to now nibble, an to tell her, I love her, as we acted out, our love scene, with her, in the leading role, as the script, is complete, with cut, being what, no director, could write.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs