

"sleepless nights"

Night comes holding frustration & emotions tight
Everyday hopes might get low but I know its my own self fight
seeing dark past chasing me when there are closed eyes
I could tell lie to others but how could tell myself lies
Feeling each day sleep less eyes are becoming a dark red
I just keep thinking whole day even if I sit or lie on my bed
I see a different person in day & different one in sleepless night
A person who is kind a depressed & sad who knows nothing & running away from light
The night when alone nobody to hold me
I have to work hard that inner voice told me
I talked to myself he supports me & suggest how to change
Each night having late night conversation never makes me feel strange
I know it was & is a dark phase of my life
Its like dark thoughts coming & are holding my back with a knife
Each sleepless night I go through the pain
But as sun rises positivity also regain
I have to stay for my dreams & fight that's what its main
I know after me my thoughts will only remain
Its better to go on even it's a hard life flow
Lets fight till the end & let our character's glow
Even sometimes we became sad or low
Each committed mistake will make us grow
So let's promise ourselves that we never gonna stop
We know we are best it's just time today we are at bottom but soon we are on top
Like every movie is not hit sometimes it flops
At the end it's important to learn & assess the positive points to crop
Let's love ourselves how we are
Struggling hard but success is not to far
Let's be ourselves & believe in us
The passengers of emotions &dreams are already travelling in the bus

Sometimes the sleepless nights are reason for
our sadness but many times its the reason of our strength where we help ourselve & we change & become more stronger

© @_ATUL♥️