

Love and affection,
Spread through my soul,
Always there for me,
Til’ i grew old,

Shaped and twisted,
Formed and fondled,
Broken and repaired,
Into another model,

Growing up,
Becoming more,
Loving my family,
Yet kicked out the door,

Why must you leave?
I beg and plead,
Because all along,
They just wanted to be free,

Family is the heart,
But it's made out of stone,
So if it's not beating,
Where is the home?

Staggering by,
You walk alone,
Stumbling towards,
The great unknown,
Farther back,
And farther still,
To reach the end,
is a test of will,

But to do such a feat,
Someone needs help,
But who will be there,
To help me achieve?

Family long lost,
Stone crumbles to sand,
Lost in an ocean,
All waves,
No land,

Drowning in sorrow,
The test of years takes me,
Ready to collapse yet I stand,
Because there is always tomorrow

© plaaaaaant