

Could you...
They say that bad days won't last forever,
Well my good days worry me more,
how time runs when I smile,
how it was on its heels when you were here,
until you no more here, then it slow down,
slowly slowly it moves like a snail,
hit my wounds with brick of your memories,

Time, is cruel,
I had you here when it wanted you gone,
so you left
drifting really fast, I'm sorry to say, could you have slowed down for a good bye?
could you just not leave like we never had good times
could you wait till my tears turn to smiles
Will you stay close?

And still you left
ringing jingle bells in my ears,
you slowly, yet faster as I visioned it, you disappeared,
they told me that someday, your memories that I keep safe in my heart will also follow the wind just like you did,
It will ring me jingle bell, slowly, yet faster I will see it, run on its heels with time,
till I can't catch it

I do not believe in wishing on stars,
but maybe someday when I look up in the sky a shining piece of a white diamonds will feel welcoming, then I will look at it till tears fall from my eyes
May be that day, even without wishing,
this pain of not having you anymore will change to a smile
Will the tears ever dry?

#WritcoPoemPrompt61 #writco