

Waves' Lullaby
Rocking gently, side to side
In our cabin, we reside
The waves outside, a soothing sound
As we roll, our weary bodies bound

The creaking wood, a lullaby sweet
Our hammocks sway, our souls retreat
From the deck's hard labor and the sea's wild roar
We find our peace, in this cabin's core

The motion's rhythm, a cradle's sway
We're lulled to sleep, at the end of the day
Our dreams of home, of loved ones dear
As the waves rock us, our hearts hold clear

In this small space, we find our nest
A refuge from the ocean's unrest
So let the waves roll, let the cabin creak
We'll ride the motion, our souls unique

For we are seafarers, of the ocean's breed
Our cabin's our haven, our hearts' good deed
So rock us gently, side to side
In our cabin, we'll peacefully reside.