

Your Hurts May Hurt
Your hurts may hurt
So, you lock up yourself in your heart
Far from any human voice
Alone in silence
With endless tears
Pouring like rain
And depressed
You feel you just wanna go
Out of all, no one cares for you

Yes, no human may care
But Jesus cares
The Creator cares for you
And if you haven't realized it
Jesus is at that door of your heart
He won't get in, if you don't let Him in
He only understands you
Isaiah 43:4 "Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life."
Psalms 63:3 "Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you"

God's Love for you is better than life
Do you get that?
His love is better than life
Better than whatever is in your life
Better than the hurts you got
Better than the pain you feel
Better than the best in life
Better than life itself
His Love is better than life
And nothing
I'll say that again...
Nothing can separate you from the love of God
God loves you
Can't you see that?
You're alive

Haven't you realized that no matter what you faced in life, you still survived
If God wasn't with you, you wouldn't have survived
He says He's there with you in the fire, water
Come on, He is always there for you
And He loves you
So, please, walk up to that door of your heart
And let Jesus in
He will heal you completely
And leave no trace of brokenness
He'll give you Happiness
And Lavish you with His Overflowing Love
Springing up in you...

© Daydawn