

Entitled love
You see that saying that says "In the end, no one truly cares about you".
Although you were not meant to live life alone, but you've been singlehandedly doing things on your own and can only be offered help.

To some extent, we've been loved.
How much more do we want before you can attest that people truly care but can't do more than they should for themselves?
People are humans, and the same love you are complaining about is the same way they're feeling.
Nobody should die for anybody to be truly happy, that's greediness.
Some people act like 'Love' is being pumped from a machine and not from humans.
We should desire and desire with a conscience.
What more should humans do, for Christ's sake, we were not unitedly birthed from our mother's womb.
We came alone, we will die alone and be buried alone, and we can only share very little love because only the love of Christ can be 100% enough for us.Only Christ can give such great love and it was Christ who gave us the love to share.
That means we don't own love, we can only share love because Christ shared His own for us.
Humans can only do so little and that should be enough.
Nobody can truly love you more than they can for themselves, give them their flowers.
At the end, you are truly on your own, but not alone.
© Sparrow