

our little fighter
since u arrived u have been a fighter
born to fight for the right to be here
taken from us at birth by the system
almost died while in their care
survived how many seizures
now ur faced with another battle
one that wont be easier
a battle we must fight as a family
this battle will last years
one that will not be fought by just u
each of us will have a part in the war
as a family we will conquer
defeat this invisible opponent
u are a strong opponent
it wont be easy or quick
u wont have to fight it alone
cancer dont stand a chance
picked a fight with the wrong kid
didnt know who it messed with
my son a strong little man
born to fight and conqour
with a family of fighters on his side
cancer picked a fight it wont win
picked a fight with the wrong kid with the wrong family
we all have spent r lives fighting
fighting as one we r unbeatable
lets show them what we r made of
give that cancer a butt kicking

luv ur mommy

dedicated to my son. who is an amazing strong boy and will beat the fight he has in front of him cause he is stronger then he even realizes. i love u my son. ur whole family is here as ur rock and extra streangth when u feel u need it my luv.

© Cassie keliie