

Loneliness means not being alone
We feel lonely when ignored by people
Feel lonely when around by toxic people
Loneliness make most mentally strong
But it's break your heart once
And make it strong like stone
Loneliness is the hardest part of life
Loneliness teach you how to move on
Lonely people are quite with smile on face
They never expected anything from other
Because no one is there for them
They are like moon come on own time
They are like hard stone alone in the field
Which never break by anything
They love to stay alone near beach
They are like star in the sky
Which is not connected to other
They are like a close book
Not read by people easily
They are complicated
They miss everything but never show
They care most but we never know
There's loudness in their hearts
There are many words in heart to say
But always be quiet
knowing that no one is here to heard them
They enjoy alone
They prefer to play alone
They don't need other for them
They have own imagination
They have another world
Different from other people
They never say anything in word
Only their action say once
They are the strongest people in the world
They are brave then other people
No one can compare with them


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