

Turn every page till you reach the end,.
Read every word before you press 'send'.
Test a person's loyalty before calling them friend.
Don't always go with the popular trend.

Love someone truly , never pretend.
Once in a crowd try to blend.
If someone ask for advice always lend.
After trying weeks days enjoy your weekend.

If there's a family function, try to attend.
If she is loyal then propose your girlfriend.
When you see someone opposite, subtend.
Your endless torment and grief amend.

Pleasure and discontent through which you may ascend.
Someone needs help, let your arm extend.
Always know what your words intend.
Stop the car before dead end.

Frontend pays lesser than backend.
Prove your capability to utilize and expend.
Meet a feminist, try not to offend.
Don't desire an afterlife, just transcend.

Stay away from a truck's rear end.
The one who helps in studies is a goodfriend.
Earn your own money, don't depend.
Principal has the power to suspend.

Mathematics is incomplete without dividend.
I won't forsake, my heart will reprehend.
Achieve your goals before the yearend.
Check out my other posts, I would recommend.

Ik the poem sounds wierd,, just worte it in flow trying to rhyme. 🥲🥲

© Shashwat Jha