

Sancta Maria School - Japan
Write a poem on "A tree house"

A bossy Japanese girl
who told me I could not,
and the girl who said she'd help me pushed me down in the gravel lot, what could I do to avoid this?

I know! I'd hide up there!
The bell rang out and as I watched,
They all went in break over,
But I... I stayed right there!

The Cherry Trees spaced evenly about the school yard lot,
had Tent Caterpillars in most of them, how curious I thought.

I'd seen that no one noticed, that
I was left up in that tree.
What luck! I lay quietly observing
As happy as I could be.

But soon my little Tree House,
It began to lose it's charm.
No one had even noticed
That I was completely gone.

I thought for quite some time up there, what did I want to do?
I climbed down and took advantage of my freedom
for as long as I could make do.

I had always wanted my own Japanese Scented Eraser. They were all the rage back then. I wandered undetected, into the school again.

I went to the tiny school store, full of candy, and pencils galore. I didn't have money so I only asked to smell each one I said, to tell which ones I liked best...

The clerk would only let me if I agreed she call Mother Superior.
I had to tell her about my Tree House, and watching Caterpillars


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