

Falling Apart
Once we danced in sync, hearts beating the same,
Now we move as strangers, lost in the game.
Laughter that echoed in warm, gentle nights
Now fades into silence, extinguishing lights.

Whispers of love that once filled the air
Turn to sharp words, cold and unfair.
Touch that was tender now feels like a chore,
A chasm between us, too wide to ignore.

Promises once made, now lie in decay,
Dreams we once nurtured are drifting away.
Eyes that once sparkled with unspoken trust,
Now stare through shadows, shrouded in dust.

We built our world on hopes and sweet dreams,
But time has unraveled the delicate seams.
The love that was vibrant, once so full of art,
Now crumbles to dust as we fall apart.

Our story ends here, with echoes and sighs,
A chapter concluded with tear-streaked goodbyes.
Yet in this ending, we find a new start,
Two paths diverging, mending each heart.
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