

I cry,
I lie,
Pretending I'm fine,
Through all my pain, I hide
Like a shadow behind.

I wear a mask, a fragile guise,
Hoping no one sees through my lies.
Smiling while my heart weeps,
Drowning in sorrows, in secrets deep.

Each laugh is a silent scream,
A shattered heart stitched at the seams.
Every word a whispered plea,
For someone to truly see me.

I pretend with every breath,
To stave off the fear, the creeping death.
Behind closed doors, I break and bend,
Living a lie, praying it will end.

Yet, I carry on, this heavy guise,
With tear-streaked cheeks and bloodshot eyes.
For in my world, where pain resides,
I pretend, I hide, I survive.
© Dean_2062