

Follow the Smoke~
Hush all the sounds that bother your heart
And Close all the doors to put them apart
From you & your hands that held mine so tight
Build up your walls, honey never to fight the
Blades seeking shelter under my ribcage
Hiding the lions our hearts have delayed
Breathe easy, darling don't step too lightly
We must alert the eyes in the bright stream
They'll swim away to dark oceans under
Skies where the angels wake from their slumber
They'll take heed of all that the fish tell
Then they'll take up arms against the fell
Beast of the night that haunts us with shadows
Fire betrays our armies to silhouettes
With the same guns fighting the same threats
Light has no tongue so it can't explain this
Follow the Smoke to flames that can change this
Time has no comfort left for to offer
Life was so hard and death so much softer.

© Willows