

The more you want a reply from a person, the more they'll keep silent. Write a poem about it.

In silence deep, the longing grows,
Desire for words, like a crimson rose.
The more you yearn for a simple reply,
The more it seems the silence will comply.

Whispers of hope in the quiet air,
But the echo of silence is all that's there.
The more you reach out, the more they recede,
Leaving your longing heart to plead.

Aching for words that never appear,
The silence, a burden too heavy to bear.
The more you want, the more they conceal,
Leaving your heart to endlessly feel.

In the void of unspoken words,
The silence lingers, unseen and unheard.
The more you seek, the more they evade,
Leaving your soul in a silent cascade.

So in the stillness, the truth is found,
The more you want, the less is around.
For in the silence, the answers lie,
And perhaps in the quiet, your heart will fly.
© c.wright