

Invisible Threads of Society

Invisible threads weave through our lives,
Connecting hearts, yet unseen by the eyes.
In the bustling streets, laughter fills the air,
But beneath the surface, many souls bear despair.

Silent struggles hide in the shadows,
A mother’s worry, a child’s silent sorrows.
The weight of expectations, heavy on their backs,
Dreams crushed under pressure, hope slowly cracks.

In crowded rooms, people wear their masks,
Smiles painted brightly, hiding what life asks.
Anxiety whispers softly, a constant, nagging fear,
Yet we walk past each other, too busy to hear.

The elderly sit alone, stories left untold,
Forgotten in corners, their hearts growing cold.
Once they were heroes, with laughter and cheer,
Now they wait in silence, no one to draw near.

The students in schools, burdened by grades,
Lost in competition, their childhood fades.
They chase after numbers, forgetting the joy,
Of learning and playing, the dreams of a boy.

Invisible threads connect the rich and the poor,
While some live in luxury, others struggle for more.
A family in hunger, a roof that’s not theirs,
Yet we turn a blind eye, lost in our cares.

Mental health battles, hidden behind closed doors,
Voices that tremble, yet no one explores.
Depression and doubt, like shadows they creep,
But we seldom acknowledge, as if it’s asleep.

The environment we cherish, slowly falling apart,
Pollution and waste, tearing nature’s heart.
Yet in our daily rush, we forget to see,
The beauty of balance, our responsibility.

Invisible threads tie us, though we don’t perceive,
The struggles of others, the pain they believe.
If we open our eyes, if we choose to feel,
We can weave understanding, and begin to heal.

Let’s speak for the voiceless, let’s share in their plight,
Together we can shine, bringing darkness to light.
With compassion as our guide, let’s break down the walls,
And weave a tapestry of hope, where every spirit stands tall.

Invisible threads can lead us to change,
A world that is kinder, a future less strange.
So let’s listen, let’s act, let’s hold hands tight,
Together we can make wrongs turn to right.
© Nishmitha Kotian