

She's the kinda nobody everybody knows,

Fancy looking at her thinking it's for show,

The world to her is crueler,

Cause they see right through her,

How can I judge her for not making friends,

If I'm always faking friends,

She's always trying to boast a little,

She kinda comes across as fickle,

A girl she's friends with thinks she's exaggerating,

Another says she thinks she's faking,

She's a good writer when she tries,

I've read a bit of the stuff she writes,

She doesn't have a great home life,

She's desperate to come across as cool,

But she ends up being the perfect tool,

In the game of queens and pawns and fools,

Sometimes I think she thinks she's perfect,

But she's always a bit of a mess,

She sits front row,

But she's worse than me in school,

I try to be civil with her, as a general rule,

And people only talk to her when their bored,

Cause she's the kind of nobody everybody knows.

© Aubrin